progress not perfection
just (finally) paid off the emergency room visit from just shy of a year ago. I suffered an acute bout of vertigo that had me vomiting and getting literally wheeled into the E.R. I haven't experienced an episode since - knock on wood. Not surprisingly my handstands are non-existent - I'm admittedly gunshy. I've even avoided rings - Skin the Cat and even the German Hang have been omitted from my movement vocabulary (for now). Most surprising of all is that my hamstring flexibility has suffered and I've been back to square one since. The curious tone being it's seem to have highlighted an old skateboarding lower back injury that had me in traction back in the dizay; and I also can feel disoriented with the elevation change as I fold and remain in certain positions.
The conversation with the body constantly evolves and one should ideally adapt with an open mind (withdrawing from the external conceits of "what I once could do" or, as the late great Connie Hawkins quipped, "the older I get, the better I used to be").
Recently, I've revisited cartwheels - albeit reluctantly ushered in by BJJ warm-ups. But they're starting to feel decent. Now, off to weekly yoga. Progress not perfection.
Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever.